Internationalization (I18n)     

Internationalization is a design process that ensures a product (a website or application) can be adapted to various languages and regions without requiring engineering changes to the source code. Think of internationalization as readiness for localization.

The recommended package for handling website/app is vue-i18n. This package should be added as an App Plugin. See the specific example for plugging in vue-i18n.

It should be noted that what is described below is the internationalization of quasar-framework components only. If you need to internationalize your own components, read the documentation indicated above and configure the project by editing the files located in <project>/src/i18n (you may need to create this directory).

Quasar components have their own labels too. One option is to configure labels through the label properties on each instance of Quasar components like QTable or QDatetime. This is how you can customize the text to match the selected language. This however, also takes time and adds unnecessary complexity to your website/app. Instead, in many standard cases, you can use the Quasar I18n (applies to Quasar components only!) system, which has a number of standard label definitions translated for you, like “Cancel”, “Clear”, “Select”, “Update”, etc. No need to translate these again!!

For a complete list of available languages and phrases, check Quasar I18n on Github.
If your desired language is not on that list, then feel free to submit a PR to add it. It takes from 5 to 10 minutes at most. We kindly welcome any language!

Configuring the Default Language

Edit /quasar.conf.js:

framework: {
i18n: 'de'

Dynamically Changing Language

Example with a QSelect to dynamically change the Quasar components language:

{ label: 'English (US)', value: 'en-us' },
{ label: 'English (UK)', value: 'en-uk' },
{ label: 'Romanian', value: 'ro' },
{ label: 'Chinese (Simplified)', value: 'zh-hans' },
{ label: 'Italian', value: 'it' },
{ label: 'Spanish', value: 'es' },
{ label: 'French', value: 'fr' },
{ label: 'German', value: 'de' },
{ label: 'Russian', value: 'ru' },

export default {
data () {
return {
lang: this.$q.i18n.lang
watch: {
lang (lang) {
// dynamic import, so loading on demand only
import(`quasar-framework/i18n/${lang}`).then(lang => {

Using Quasar I18n in App Space

Although the Quasar I18n is designed only for Quasar components, you can still use it for your own website/app components too.

"Close" label in current Quasar I18n language is:
{{ $q.i18n.label.close }}

Detecting Locale

There’s also a method to determine user locale which is supplied by Quasar out of the box:

// outside of a Vue file

// for when you don't specify quasar.conf > framework: 'all'
import { Quasar } from 'quasar'
import Quasar from 'quasar'

Quasar.i18n.getLocale() // returns a string

// inside of a Vue file
this.$q.i18n.getLocale() // returns a string

Setting up Translation Blocks in your SFCs

The following is an example recipe for using vue-i18n embedded <i18n> template components in your vue files with vue-i18n-loader, which you have to add in your quasar.conf.js. In this case the translations are stored in yaml format in the block.

// quasar.conf
build: {
// OR use the equivalent chainWebpack()
// with its own chain statements (CLI v0.16.2+)
extendWebpack (cfg) {
resourceQuery: /blockType=i18n/,
use: [
{loader: '@kazupon/vue-i18n-loader'},
{loader: 'yaml-loader'}


Many languages, such as Greek, German and Dutch have non-intuitive rules for uppercase display, and there is an edge case that you should be aware of:

QBtn component will use the CSS text-transform: uppercase rule to automatically turn its label into all-caps. According to the MDN webdocs, “The language is defined by the lang HTML attribute or the xml:lang XML attribute.” Unfortunately, this has spotty implementation across browsers, and the 2017 ISO standard for the uppercase German eszett ß has not really entered the canon. At the moment you have two options:

  1. use the prop no-caps in your label and write the string as it should appear
  2. use the prop no-caps in your label and rewrite the string with toLocaleUpperCase by using the locale as detected by this.$q.i18n.getLocale()

Handling Quasar UMD

To add a Quasar language pack you need to include the language pack JS tag for your Quasar version and also tell Quasar to use it. Example:

<!-- include this after Quasar JS tag -->
<script src=""></script>

Check what tags you need to include in your HTML files by generating a sample with $ vue init quasarframework/quasar-starter-kit-umd <folder> and specifying a language code for Quasar I18n (other than default “en-us”).