Layout Page     

QLayout must contain page content. If you haven’t already, please read QLayout documentation page first.


Edit /quasar.conf.js:

framework: {
components: [

Basic Usage

A QPage must be encapsulated by QPageContainer, which in turn must be a child of QLayout.

<!-- page content -->

Usually, the QPageContainer is part of the Layout template (where it contains a <router-view /> child only), and its content goes into separate vue files under /src/pages. If you haven’t already, please read Integrating Layout with Router.

<!-- vue file for Layout: -->
<router-view />

<!-- vue file for a Page: -->
<q-page padding>
<!-- page content -->

QPage Vue Properties

Vue PropertyTypeDescription
paddingBooleanAdds a default dynamic padding to the page.
style-fnFunctionDescribed below.


A QPage needs a QLayout, because QLayout controls all the offsets of a page, keeping account of the space that header/footer/drawer use, according to its view property configuration. By default, your QPage component will have a min-height CSS property set on it to ensure that the content fills the screen at all times, even when the content is just a few lines.

If you wish to tweak, or even remove this property, you can do so by using the style-fn property:

<q-page :style-fn="myTweak">...</q-page>

export default {
// ...
methods: {
myTweak (offset) {
// "offset" is a Number (pixels) that refers to the total
// height of header + footer that occupies on screen,
// based on the QLayout "view" prop configuration

// this is actually what the default style-fn does in Quasar
return { minHeight: offset ? `calc(100vh - ${offset}px)` : '100vh' }