
A Timeline is a display of a list of events in chronological order. It is typically a graphic design showing a long bar labelled with dates alongside itself and usually events. Timelines can use any time scale, depending on the subject and data.

QTimeline has 3 media breakpoints (if responsive property is used). View on a desktop and click the “View Desktop” link on the right side, then resize the browser window to see the media breakpoints in action.


Edit /quasar.conf.js:

framework: {
components: [

Basic Usage

<q-timeline responsive color="secondary">
<q-timeline-entry heading>
Timeline Subject

title="Event Title"
subtitle="February 22, 1986"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Customize Entries Titles via slots

Quasar v0.17.18+

<q-timeline responsive color="secondary">
subtitle="April 22, 1991"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Use the class q-timeline-title to stick to original styling when using slots
<h3 slot="title" class="q-timeline-title">
<q-icon name="account_balance" />
Use the class q-timeline-subtitle to stick to original styling when using slots
<h5 slot="subtitle" class="q-timeline-subtitle">
<q-icon name="warning" />
<span>April 22,</span>

QTimeline (Parent) Vue Properties

Vue PropertyTypeDescription
responsiveBoolean(v0.17.7+) Enable responsive mode
colorStringColor of the timeline element
no-hoverBooleanDon’t apply any hover effects
darkBooleanWhen rendering on a dark background.

QTimelineEntry (Child) Vue Properties

Vue PropertyTypeDescription
headingBooleanDisplay a timeline subject which helps group timeline entries into separate chunks.
tagStringHTML tag to use to render the timeline entry DOM element.
sideStringOn wider windows, you can choose on which side to display this entry (left or right). Default is on the right side.
iconStringIcon to use.
colorStringColor to use for this entry.
titleStringTitle of the entry.
subtitleStringAddition to title of the entry.