Quasar Meta Plugin     

Better SEO for your website! The Meta plugin can dynamically change page title, manage <meta> tags, manage

&DOM element attributes, add/remove/change <style> and <script> tags in the head of your document (useful for CDN stylesheets or for json-ld markup, for example), or manage <noscript> tags.


// quasar.conf.js
framework: {
// ...
plugins: ['Meta']


What the Meta plugin does is that it enables the use of a special property in your Vue components called meta. Take a look at the example below, with almost all of its features:

// some .vue file

export default {
// ...
meta: {
// sets document title
title: 'Index Page',
// optional; sets final title as "Index Page - My Website", useful for multiple level meta
titleTemplate: title => `${title} - My Website`,

// meta tags
meta: {
description: { name: 'description', content: 'Page 1' },
keywords: { name: 'keywords', content: 'Quasar website' },
equiv: { 'http-equiv': 'Content-Type' content: 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' }

// CSS tags
link: {
material: { rel: 'stylesheet', href: 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons' }

// JS tags
script: {
ldJson: {
type: 'application/ld+json',
innerHTML: `{ "@context": "http://schema.org" }`

// <html> attributes
htmlAttr: {
'xmlns:cc': 'http://creativecommons.org/ns#' // generates <html xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#">,
empty: undefined // generates <html empty>

// <body> attributes
bodyAttr: {
'action-scope': 'xyz', // generates <body action-scope="xyz">
empty: undefined // generates <body empty>

// <noscript> tags
noscript: {
default: 'This is content for browsers with no JS (or disabled JS)'

How It Works

Metas are computed from .vue files in the order they are activated by Vue Router (let’s call this a chain for further explanations). Example: App.vue > SomeLayout.vue > IndexPage.vue > …?

When a component that contains the meta property gets rendered or destroyed, it is added/removed to/from the chain and metas are updated accordingly.

Notice that all properties (except for title and titleTemplate) are Objects; you can override meta props defined in previous Vue components in the chain by using the same keys again. Example:

// first loaded Vue component
meta: {
meta: {
myKey: { name: 'description', content: 'My Website' }

// a subsequent Vue component in the chain;
// this will override the first definition on "myKey"
meta: {
meta: {
myKey: { name: 'description', content: 'Page 1' }

Just make sure not to duplicate content that already exists in /src/index.template.html. If you want to use the Meta plugin, the recommended way is to remove the same tags from the html template. But on use-cases where you know a tag will never change and you always want it rendered, then it’s better to have it only on the html template instead.

In the examples above, you noticed all of the meta props are “static”. But they can be dynamic instead, should you wish. This is how you can bind to the Vue scope with them. Think of them as a Vue computed property.

// some .vue file
export default {
data () {
return {
title: 'Some title' // we define the "title" prop
// NOTICE meta is a function here, which is the way
// for you to reference properties from the Vue component's scope
meta () {
return {
// this accesses the "title" property in your Vue "data";
// whenever "title" prop changes, your meta will automatically update
title: this.title
methods: {
setAnotherTitle () {
this.title = 'Another title' // will automatically trigger a Meta update due to the binding
// ...