Quasar Framework Contributing Guide     

The Quasar team is really excited when people help by contributing to Quasar Framework. It’s what the FLOSS community is all about!

There are lots of features waiting for someone to write them and make the Quasar experience even better. Check Github or contact Razvan Stoenescu through Discord chat/email.

Before submitting your contribution though, please make sure to take a moment and read through the contributing guidelines and also the code of conduct.

You can also help with the documentation. If you catch a mistake or want to add a few lines to a page or write new pages, use the link at the end of each page of this website (specifically the Suggest an edit on Github link).

Finally, if you want, you can leave a buck for coffee from time to time. Quasar needs some financial backing to evolve. Read more here.

Github Repositories

Please use the appropriate Github repo to report issues. See “Github Repositories” above. For example, a bug related to CLI should be reported to the CLI repo, one related to build issues to Quasar Starter Kit repo and so on.