What is SSR     

Quasar and Vue.js are frameworks for building client-side applications. By default, Quasar Vue components produce and manipulate DOM in the browser as output. However, it is also possible to render the same components into HTML strings on the server, send them directly to the browser, and finally “hydrate” the static markup into a fully interactive app on the client.

A server-rendered Quasar app can also be considered “isomorphic” or “universal”, in the sense that the majority of your app’s code runs on both the server and the client.

Why SSR?

Compared to a traditional SPA (Single-Page Application), the advantage of SSR primarily lies in:

There are also some trade-offs to consider when using SSR:

Before using SSR for your app, the first question you should ask is whether you actually need it. It mostly depends on how important time-to-content is for your app. For example, if you are building an internal dashboard where an extra few hundred milliseconds on initial load doesn’t matter that much, SSR would be an overkill. However, in cases where time-to-content is absolutely critical, SSR can help you achieve the best possible initial load performance.

Most of the content on this page is taken from the official Vue.js SSR guide, which is a recommended read for you before digging into SSR with Quasar.