Editor (WYSIWYG)     

QEditor is a WYSIWYG (“what you see is what you get”) editor component.

Using v-html on the resulting v-model renders you vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting attacks.
If the content is user generated, be sure to sanitize it either on render or server side.


Edit /quasar.conf.js:

framework: {
components: ['QEditor']

Basic Usage

<q-editor v-model="model" />


The tooltips content of QEditor are part of Quasar I18n. If your desired language pack is missing, please provide a PR for it.

Vue Properties

Supports v-model which you should bind to a String in your scope, which is essentially HTML code.

Vue PropertyTypeDescription
readonlyBooleanSets editor in readonly mode.
disableBooleanSets editor in disable mode.
min-heightStringCSS unit for minimum height of the input area.
max-heightStringCSS unit for maximum height of the input area.
heightStringCSS unit for height of the input area.
definitionsObjectObject with definitions (see next sections).
fontsObjectObject with fonts definitions (see next sections).
toolbarArrayArray of Arrays of Objects/Strings with toolbar commands (see next sections).
toolbar-colorStringColor (from Quasar Palette) of toolbar commands.
toolbar-text-colorStringText color (from Quasar Palette) of toolbar commands.
toolbar-toggle-colorStringColor (from Quasar Palette) of toolbar commands when in “active” state.
toolbar-bgStringToolbar background color (from Quasar Palette).
toolbar-flatBooleanToolbar buttons become of “flat” type.
toolbar-outlineBooleanToolbar buttons become of “outline” type.
toolbar-pushBooleanToolbar buttons become of “push” type.
toolbar-roundedBooleanToolbar buttons become of “rounded” type.
content-styleObjectCSS Style in Object format for the input area.
content-classObject/Array/StringCSS classes for the input area.


By default, QEditor offers most if not all the commands you’d need in a WYSIWYG editor: bold, italic, strike, underline, unordered (list), ordered (list), subscript, superscript, link, fullscreen, quote, left (align), center (align), right (align), justify (align), print, outdent, indent, removeFormat, hr, undo, redo, h1 to h6, p (paragraph), code (code paragraph), size-1 to size-7.

Each of these commands are pre-configured with icons with tooltips. However, if you want to override some of their settings you can do so with the help of definitions Object property.

overriding "bold" command to include a label instead of an icon
and also changing its tooltip
bold: {label: 'Bold', icon: null, tip: 'My bold tooltip'}

Example adding your own definition. In this case make sure you don’t overlap the default commands:

<!-- we can later use "save" and "upload" in "toolbar" prop -->
save: {
tip: 'Save your work',
icon: 'save',
label: 'Save',
handler: saveWork
upload: {
tip: 'Upload to cloud',
icon: 'cloud_upload',
label: 'Upload',
handler: uploadIt
Notice the handlers. It references methods in your Vue scope
for when toolbar commands using these definitions are clicked/tapped.

Command definitions properties:

Property NameTypeDescription
labelStringLabel of button
iconStringIcon of button
tipStringTooltip of button
cmdStringEither this or “handler” is required. One of the commands described at the beginning of this section.
handlerFunctionEither this or “cmd” is required. Function for when button gets clicked/tapped.
disableBoolean/FunctionIs button disabled? If specifying a function, return a Boolean value.

Another example of adding a definition using a QEditor command:

customItalic: {
cmd: 'italic',
icon: 'camera_enhance',
tip: 'Italic'


Example of specifying fonts so that you can later use them as options in the toolbar. These become “commands” themselves, so make sure you don’t overlap any of the default commands.

arial: 'Arial',
arial_black: 'Arial Black',
comic_sans: 'Comic Sans MS'

Then in toolbar, you can reference them. The example below creates a dropdown.

label: $q.i18n.editor.defaultFont,
icon: $q.icon.editor.font,
fixedIcon: true,
list: 'no-icons',
options: ['default_font', 'arial', 'arial_black', 'comic_sans']


The toolbar property is the place where you configure how your toolbar looks like, based on your own commands and the default ones. It’s an Array of Arrays of Object/Strings. Each sub-array represents a Button Group.

[ // array of button groups
[ ... ], // button group
[ ... ], // button group
['bold', 'italic', 'strike', 'underline'],
['token', 'hr', 'link', 'custom_btn'],
['print', 'fullscreen']

Take a look at the demo and the examples below to see how you can also specify dropdowns. You can make dropdowns as single selection, meaning only one command from its list can have an “active” state.

<!-- Example of a dropdown with text alignment commands -->
label: $q.i18n.editor.align,
icon: $q.icon.editor.align,
fixedLabel: true,
list: 'only-icons',
options: ['left', 'center', 'right', 'justify']

Vue Events

Vue EventDescription
@inputTriggered when input area content changes.
@fullscreen(true/false)(v0.17.7+) Emitted when Fullscreen state gets toggled.


Complex Example

['bold', 'italic', 'strike', 'underline', 'subscript', 'superscript'],
['token', 'hr', 'link', 'custom_btn'],
['print', 'fullscreen'],
label: $q.i18n.editor.formatting,
icon: $q.icon.editor.formatting,
list: 'no-icons',
options: ['p', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'code']
label: $q.i18n.editor.fontSize,
icon: $q.icon.editor.fontSize,
fixedLabel: true,
fixedIcon: true,
list: 'no-icons',
options: ['size-1', 'size-2', 'size-3', 'size-4', 'size-5', 'size-6', 'size-7']
label: $q.i18n.editor.defaultFont,
icon: $q.icon.editor.font,
fixedIcon: true,
list: 'no-icons',
options: ['default_font', 'arial', 'arial_black', 'comic_sans', 'courier_new', 'impact', 'lucida_grande', 'times_new_roman', 'verdana']
['quote', 'unordered', 'ordered', 'outdent', 'indent'],
label: $q.i18n.editor.align,
icon: $q.icon.editor.align,
fixedLabel: true,
list: 'only-icons',
options: ['left', 'center', 'right', 'justify']
label: $q.i18n.editor.align,
icon: $q.icon.editor.align,
fixedLabel: true,
options: ['left', 'center', 'right', 'justify']
['undo', 'redo']
arial: 'Arial',
arial_black: 'Arial Black',
comic_sans: 'Comic Sans MS',
courier_new: 'Courier New',
impact: 'Impact',
lucida_grande: 'Lucida Grande',
times_new_roman: 'Times New Roman',
verdana: 'Verdana'

Overriding & extending default toolbar buttons definitions

This particular case:

['bold', 'italic'],
['save', 'upload'],
bold: {cmd: 'bold', label: 'Bold', icon: null, tip: 'My bold tooltip'},
italic: {cmd: 'italic', icon: 'border_color', tip: 'My italic tooltip'},
customItalic: {cmd: 'italic', icon: 'camera_enhance', tip: 'Italic'},
save: {tip: 'Save your work', icon: 'save', label: 'Save', handler: saveWork},
upload: {tip: 'Upload to cloud', icon: 'cloud_upload', label: 'Upload', handler: upload},
spellcheck: {tip: 'Run spell-check', icon: 'spellcheck', handler: spellCheck},
disabledButton: {tip: 'I am disabled...', disable: true, icon: 'cloud_off'}

Custom Style

['bold', 'italic', 'underline'],
label: $q.i18n.editor.formatting,
icon: $q.icon.editor.formatting,
list: 'no-icons',
options: ['p', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'code']

Types of dropdowns

label: 'Icons & Label',
icon: 'filter_1',
fixedLabel: true,
fixedIcon: true,
options: ['bold', 'italic', 'strike', 'underline']
label: 'Only label',
icon: 'filter_2',
fixedLabel: true,
fixedIcon: true,
list: 'no-icons',
options: ['bold', 'italic', 'strike', 'underline']
label: 'Only icons',
icon: 'filter_3',
fixedLabel: true,
fixedIcon: true,
list: 'only-icons',
options: ['bold', 'italic', 'strike', 'underline']

User can pick only one option from each dropdown.

label: 'Dynamic label',
icon: 'help_outline',
options: ['left', 'center', 'right', 'justify']
label: 'Static label',
fixedLabel: true,
options: ['left', 'center', 'right', 'justify']
label: 'Some label',
icon: 'account_balance',
fixedIcon: true,
options: ['left', 'center', 'right', 'justify']