
Loading is a feature that you can use to display an overlay with a spinner on top of your App’s content to inform the user that a background operation is taking place. No need to add complex logic within your Pages for global background operations.


Edit /quasar.conf.js:

framework: {
plugins: ['Loading'],

config: {
// optional (v0.17+)
loading: {
// Loading defaults

Basic Usage

Loading uses a delay (500ms) to display itself so that quick operations won’t make the screen flicker. This happens by showing and then quickly hiding the progress spinner without the user having a chance to see what happens. The delay before showing it eliminates confusion.

Show Loading

Inside a Vue component:

delay: 400 // ms

Outside of a Vue component:

import {

// optional!, for example below
// with custom spinner
} from 'quasar'

// default options

// with a custom delay
delay: 300 // milliseconds

// customizable (all props available)
spinner: QSpinnerGears,
message: 'Some message',
messageColor: 'blue',
spinnerSize: 250, // in pixels
spinnerColor: 'white',
customClass : 'bg-primary'

Hide Loading

Inside a Vue component:


Outside of a Vue component:

import { Loading } from 'quasar'

Check Status

Checking whether the Loading is active is easy.

Inside a Vue component:


Outside of a Vue component:

import { Loading } from 'quasar'
(Boolean) Loading.isActive

Setting Up Defaults

Quasar v0.17+

Should you wish to set up some defaults, rather than specifying them each time, you can do so by using quasar.conf > framework > config > loading: {…} or by calling Loading.setDefaults({...}) or this.$q.loading.setDefaults({...}).